Who said that fundraising should be rigorously dedicated to a high-value cause? Let's make it 🎊 less boring. With UFANDAO you can raise 💰 funds even for the simplest of your wishes! Do you need a vacuum cleaner, a new mobile for your mum, or 🤫 moonshine still for personal experiments? Whatever just register your account at ufandao.com and start fundraising!
Greetings ✋ from Nacometa Community! We don’t know about you, but we do feel that despite this difficult global 😷 health crisis, continuous lockdowns and economic problems, time does not stand still; and ❄️ the 2021 Year is Coming Over. Are you ready with your goals and strategies? If not, it is the best time to prepare, so that you start a new year showing big results, going quickly 🚀 towards the life of your dreams. 
Apart from knowing where you are going, where you 📍 start and what you are going to do to reach the objectives, it is important to surround yourself with 🥇 successful people. “You learn more from the people who challenge you than from those who don’t,” - Guy Kawasaki. Kawasaki advises us to seek out and embrace people who 🥊 challenge us rather than those who hold us to lower standards. Remember it when you plan your networking for the forthcoming year, as the more people you know, the more successfully will grow your Nacometa circles and 💰 YOUR FUNDS!
The collaborative 🤝 economy, despite current health emergency and the economic slowdown, continues to expand its concept, nourishing appearance of various ✨ new businesses that follow the idea of sharing. One of these new concepts is co-living, a modern form of shared housing. But co-living is more, than that, it is a way to connect with like-minded people and collaborate 👩🏼‍💻 in a productive environment while enjoying new experiences as a community. 
By now co-living is gaining rapid popularity in countries throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia. Researchers claim that the segment will double at nearly 🔥 EUR 12bn in 30 major cosmopolitan cities of the world by 2025.
Community is becoming one of the main social values of the 21st century and nacometa is providing 🤗 all means to share and connect.
We thought some 🎯 motivation would 🧩 fit well with all us finding ourselves being at the start of 2021. Have you done something today that moved you closer to your goals?
Think about the things you want to do this year and start 🤑 raising money to live your life the best possible way! Help others come closer to the desired reality and make huge steps 🚀 towards the realization of your objectives, share 📢 this post with people you 🤗 care about.
Do you know that, according to professional statistics, 🔥 the global fundraising market is projected to almost triple 🚀 by 2025!?
Especially now, when we face the global 🕳 collapse of the health system due 😷 to Covid-19 pandemic; there are so many people who need help, who find themselves in critical financial situations, lacking any 😢 opportunity to earn even for a basic living. Let's help 🤝 each other together, let's give hope, provide needed help and realize our dreams reciprocally! There is always a place for 🙏 kindness, join nacometa today! (🔗The link is in bio) By donating only 💶 €100 you can bring a change to someone's situation and 🌈start living your real life, from now on.
Lao Tzu ⛩ once said: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with 👣 one step". This phrase helps us be conscious that big goals can never be riched without small daily efforts. They may only seem not much, but all the greatest things have always been done 📍 in this way.
Commit small acts of 🤗 kindness by making a few 💶 micro-donations to other people who take part in nacometa. By doing these small steps you will end where you want to be in a shorter ⏰ time thanks to the boundless power 🥊 of the worldwide community.
If you’re still spending 🕳 100€ of your monthly budget on those glossy 🗞 newspapers, magazines, and books, you’re wasting your money – now there are much more effective ways to access your favorite editorials.
THINK ONLINE, consider switching to 🧐 online reading. All magazines are already online, plus there are so many free book-reading apps to make you feel as if you have been 📚 holding and reading the actual book. There is no freshly stamped paper scent effect, but maybe we will see it in our briskly developing high-tech reality.
Technology makes things both easier and cheaper, providing us with manifold opportunities 🚀 to share, do good ☀️ and earn online. Accept the helping hand ✋ of Nacometa community members, share your 🏡 dream with the world and make it 🌈 a new reality!
Happy Friday ✋ to everyone! Today is the right day for an evening great 🎬 movie! Don't you think? We highly recommend you watch the following ✨ inspiring movies, that will make you get up and start chasing your 🌈 true dreams!
Remember, you can always count on 👉 nacometa community's support. Here are our 🤩 favorites (scroll the post): 1)Whiplash 2)The theory of everything 3)The Pursuit of Happiness 4)The Peaceful Warrior
Enjoy your day and have an 👌 awesome weekend!
Greetings✋! Do you know what you need for 🚀💵 success? A daily mantra, repeat it each day and you will see yourself "there" 🌈 in no time:
1) Make a daily commitment 🥊 going towards your 🎯 goals (invite more people to Nacometa Community, be active on social networks, write about your cause, pay attention to other members' stories)
2) Be grateful 🙏 and value each donation 💰 that is coming to your account (let people know about your gratitude, share your ✨ kind thoughts)
3) Dream 🚁 big (our community provides you with generous opportunities to set 🔥 multiple campaigns for your dreams, so don't be shy, let your imagination run free 🤩)
Have you joined Nacometa Community by yourself? Are you 🤔 lacking the person who could give you a certificate? 👍 No worries! You can always contact Nacometa Support Team and we will resolve the issue in no time! We are, also, always ready to help and answer any ❓ question you may have regarding our community and explain to you how the things work.
There are a few ways to contact us, choose the one that 👌 suits you best:
Click the 🖲 SUPPORT BUTTON in the lower right corner of the Nacometa website. Leave your Name, Email, write down your question or/and attach 🖼 image of your issue.

Click WhatsApp button to access our chatbot/
Click Telegram button to access our chatbot leave your message
We will do our best to help you receive your 🎫 FIRST NACOMETA CERTIFICATE, so that you are ready to RECEIVE UNLIMITED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE and FULFILL YOUR DREAMS!
We are excited to share with you our mini-guide on 🙏 positive habits that, once practiced daily, will change your entire life. Feel free to dive into 🧾 the list:
1) “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” This phrase can be applied, both to our personal and professional lives. We all face 🕳 challenges, but what counts is the way we respond to them. It is extremely important 👀 to see challenges and problems as an integral part of our personal growth and react to them positively.
2) Give more 🤝 and ask less in return. This habit creates an abundance of experience, connections, and 💰 wealth.
3) Under-promise, then over-deliver. You are much better off 📉 under-promising and over-delivering than not meeting people’s expectations.
4) Always ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish. It is the best way to pull yourself outside of a situation and, 📊 gaining an adequate vision of a real state of things, make the best decision.
✋ We would like to bring some 🌈 inspiration to your day! We decided to list the top 4 best movie ideas created with the help of public 💰 money:

1) Veronica Mars neo-noir mystery 👻 by Rob Thomas is on the top of our list as it raised $2 million in less than 10 hours!

2) If you like laughing 😂 then you can do it out loud by watching Super Troopers 🤣 directed by Jay Chandrasekhar. This movie smashed the target of $2 million in 26 hours reaching $4.5 million afterwards!

3) Lazer Team by Matt Hullum is an awesome entertainment for those who like 🛸 the sci-fi genre. The project had a relatively small fundraising goal of $650,000, reaching $2.4 million in less than a month.

4) Partly musical 🎷 God Help The Girl directed by Stuart Murdoch winner of Sundance Festival is really worth watching! With the fundraising goal of only $120,000, it rocks with its quality and a particular 🤩 indie-mood!

Enjoy your 😉 Wednesday! PS: you can always 👉 raise funds for your project with nacometa.com, have you got an idea?
These days 🚀 the space economy is a fastly developing market, that offers multiple 🌟 opportunities both for businesses and individuals.

European 🇪🇺 countries, among those the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy are the leading countries of the market; the sectors involved are numerous.

Investment 💼 opportunities are always available to individuals. Would you like to invest in the future of the 🪐 space economy?

You can raise needed 💰 funds with Nacometa Community! Help, raise, unite, make your 🌈 dreams come true!
Greetings✋! According to Fact Check on EU budget, 🇪🇺 Europeans spend 10-15% of the monthly salary 💰 on non-essential stuff. What are our useless purchases? Apps, expensive gadgets and 💸 luxury brand clothes & accessories, sophisticated coffee and expensive 🥡 lunch takeaways, bottled water and drinks...stop. Limit buying these items each month and save 🥊 thousands of € a year!
Let's imagine you have 🌈 a dream that needs financial means and you start receiving numerous 💵 funds via Nacometa Community. Okay, you have made your €100 matter at the start, contributing to the self-realization ✨ of other members and you get all the benefits, how would you spend the money you receive? Make sure to stick to what you really 📌 want in this life, manage your funds wisely and realize your 🚀 true dreams! Nacometa Community is here to support you!
Are you tired of 9 to 5 work ⏳ weeks that drain your energy, leaving you no time to spend 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 with family and friends? Do you need extra money 💵 for the realization of your projects? How often do you use certain 🎿 things that cost you once a fortune? Do you need someone to take care of your 🐕‍🦺 pet? Are you a lonely person who wishes to make new friends? Do you like crowdfunding and 🤗 charity ideas, but you haven't dived in yet?
The sharing economy solves your problems! According to analysts, it is set 🚀 to reach $335 billion by 2025! Don't waste your time, join the global trend of our common future!
“There is immense 💪 power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals,” ― Idowu Koyenikan.

Greetings from Nacometa Community! We believe that Nacometa has the potential ♻️ to transform our daily life. ⁠Going through COVID-19 times, we get to see how communities come together to support 🙏 and help each other.

Nacometa is here to break down 💰 monetary barriers and to give everyone financial support they have been looking for. Altogether we can change this world for a better place to be!
Living a 🌠 meaningful and 🌈 happy life is the major goal of every person, yet everyone's meaning of life is different. Someone dreams about 😎 a successful career and a prestigious professional education, someone 😷 needs costly surgical treatment, and someone else plans to start a business.

All dreams and goals are 📍 very important, but to fulfill them, we need to move forward and create favorable conditions 🚀 for changes to come.

Nacometa works in a very 👌 simple way. The basic idea is that a person voluntarily shares a tiny part of their resources with other members of the community and they, in turn, 🤝 help others. In this way, everybody in the community gets a chance to realize their dreams!
Vivi la tua vita a colori, scegliendo la macedonia con la frutta fresca di stagione.

Sana, gustosa, fresca è una vera delizia!
COLORA gli ultimi giorni dell'ESTATE scegliendo il tuo JUICE!
Il Superfood Lampone

I lamponi sono tra gli alimenti più sani e ricchi di nutrienti per la salute. Infatti contengono antiossidanti, fibre, ferro, magnesio, potassio,
zinco, ecc.

Vitamina C contenuta in queste bacche aumenta le difese immunitarie per combattere raffreddore, influenza e infezioni. Gli antiossidanti di lampone sono in grado di neutralizzare i radicali liberi e proteggere dal cancro. Inoltre, il lampone è efficace nella prevenzione delle patologie legate all'apparato visivo.

Il lampone è anche ricco di rame importante per aumentare la produzione di globuli rossi. Le bacche contengono anche una buona quantità di potassio, che aiuta a regolare il battito cardiaco e la pressione sanguigna. Infine, per le donne incinte mangiare lampone allevia la nausea ed è ottimo per le madri che allattano.

I lamponi si trovano in prodotti di Juice: Vero Berry Shake (sull'immagine M2) e Post-Workout Shake (P3).
Vogliamo sempre portare l'innovazione, ma in una forma accessibile.

Stavolta pensiamo di lanciare la nuova linea di drinks caldi basati su superfood biologici (colori 100% naturali).

Tutti superfood drinks sono carichi di vitamine e microelementi, ma soprattutto bisogna notare le loro azioni benefici per 
il nostro corpo!

Cosa ne dici se ti proponiamo uno?
Vorresti trovargli al Juice?

Sentiti libero di condividere la tua opinione, grazie!
Scrivere una recensione non era mai così facile!

Da oggi puoi fare scan di JUICE QR CODE e condividere la tua opinione sul servizio, pranzo, aperitivo, Juice shakes ecc.

La tua opinione è molto importante!

1: Gli estratti e centrifugati di frutta e verdura forniscono al corpo moltissimi nutrienti

2: Aiutano il corpo ad assorbire i nutrienti e ad espellere le tossine
3: Idratano e purificano pelle e corpo
4: Svolgono un'azione anti-age grazie ai numerosi antiossidanti
5: Promuovono la crescita dei capelli
Buonasera, Juice pensa al gusto ed al tuo benessere e ti invita a fare una buonissima colazione!

Nel weekend la "formula colazione" funziona tutto il giorno!

Vieni a scoprire tutta la nostra innovativa e deliziosa gamma di JUICE COMBO! 
"Как добиться успеха в жизни?

Если желаете добиться в жизни успеха, сделайте настойчивость своим лучшим другом, опыт - мудрым советником, осторожность - старшим братом, а надежду - ангелом-хранителем."

Джозеф Аддисон
Дорогие Партнеры, в связи с вашими многочисленными просьбами и отсутствием записи предыдущего постпромо вебинара, завтра, 17 Июня, в 15:00 (МСК) Президент и Основатель Digital Space Technologies лично проведет вебинар, рассказав о самых свежих новостях компании, обновлениях продуктов и сервисов, актуальных промоушенах и невероятных перспективах, открывающихся перед партнерами DST с запуском нового направления.

Не пропустите этот важный вебинар, узнав все новости из первоисточника!

Вебинарная комната доступна по ссылке: 
http://www.clickwebinar.com/, ID 871-947-152 
Чтобы войти в вебинарную комнату необходимо перейти по ссылке и в правом верхнем углу экрана найти кнопку "Join", нажав на нее, ввести ID вебинара без пробелов и без знаков.

До встречи онлайн, 
Команда DST Global
Дорогие Партнеры,

Первый номер журнала DST Planet уже в ваших городах!

Обращение топ-менеджмента, истории успеха и статьи от топ-лидеров, признание лучших партнёров и рейтинги достижений, новости и планы развития компании - узнайте первыми!

В компании DST мы постоянно говорим о стремлении к успеху и заинтересованности в достижении успеха нашими партнерами, подтверждая это различными действиями, начиная от написания познавательных статей и завершая список корпоративными тренингами, проводимыми во время совместных поездок с Президентом – Рустамом Авезовым, Топ-Менеджментом и Партнерами DST Global.

Но все же, задавали ли вы себе вопрос: “Что такое мой личный успех?” Думали ли вы четко о всем, чего хотите достичь в компании DST, какой стиль жизни хотите вести и т.п.?

Если у вас уже имеется список, где фигурируют личные самолеты, яхты, роскошные машины и большой дом – это прекрасно. Значит вы полностью готовы приступить к следующему шагу – к анализу и созданию четкого плана, имеющего временные рамки, в которые его необходимо выполнить, и вы полностью уверены в реалистичности ваших желаний.

Для этого следуйте следующим шагам:

1) Мозговой штурм: составьте список всего, чего бы вам хотелось достигнуть

2) Расставляем приоритеты: отметьте каждый элемент списка, обозначив важность достижения лично для вас 

3) Разделяем цель на части: нам необходимо видеть все шаги и этапы, которые приведут нас к конечной цели
4) Определяем блоки: важно понять наши внутренние и внешние блоки, которые потенциально могут стать препятствиями к достижению

5) Играем в свою игру: создаем план устранения препятствий на пути к достижению целей 

6) Создаем реалистичный график достижения конечного желаемого результата. Когда вы сможете сделать …, чтобы перейти к этому, а затем через …. Вы сделаете это… и т.д. 

7) Поощрение - ключ к успеху: поощряем себя за каждый шаг в направлении успеха

Кроме вышеописанных шагов очень важно осознавать тот факт, что каждая цель должна быть максимально четкой относительно временных рамок ее исполнения и количества усилий, вложенных в ее достижение.

Обязательно делайте промежуточные цели короткими и легкими для достижения. В тоже время не делайте цели слишком низкими, так как такой подход имеет демотивационный эффект.

Желаем вам быстрого и успешного достижения поставленных целей!

Каждый Лидер, прежде всего, должен быть ЧЕЛОВЕКОМ. Он должен быть честным перед собой и перед членами своей команды. Лидеру просто необходима уверенность в себе, так как он должен заряжать команду энергией и позитивом, мотивировать людей на достижение успеха.

Он также должен быть очень целеустремленной личностью, любящей свою деятельность настолько, что, когда-бы его не спросили о ней, он отвечал: “это дело всей моей жизни”. Лидер должен отождествлять собой идеи и культуру своей компании, передавая ее всей команде. Быть таким человеком трудно, но это призвание, привносящее вдохновение и стимул многим другим.
Получается, что лидер – справедливый и целеустремленный человек, это творец добра.

"Ваше будущее создается тем, что вы делаете сегодня, а не тем, что будете делать завтра."

Р. Кийосаки

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