🎉Happy #BloggerDay2022! Did you know that one of the first tools for publishing 📰blog articles Blogger was created in 1999?

How to celebrate this day? Here we go: ⚡Hurry up to launch a blog dedicated to your dream campaign and make yourself a successful fundraiser ⏰ in a limited period of time.

New to UFANDAO? Join here: www.ufandao.com

Hey, 👋 wassup? Ready to play? Resolve the puzzle, 🧩 and find out the final equation number.

Inspiration + dream + donations = 💪self-realization!

Fundraise with us: www.ufandao.com
Thank you 🤗 for your wonderful reviews! We are so glad that we have 🌈 impacted your lives in such a positive way, can't wait to inspire and ✋ help so many more people all over the world!
Thank you 🙏 for your support for nacometa.
Keep up the amazing work 💪🏽 you are doing! Only by helping each other, together, we can bring ☀️ a real change to this life!
All certificates 🔥 upon registration are 📌 FREE! A certificate serves you to help others and raise funds. Once you get the first one you will be able 🤗 to make 4 micro-donations to members of the community and then receive your own 4 certificates raising unlimited funds! 
You can get your 🎫 free certificate by asking the referring nacometa member or by contacting our Support Team via support@nacometa.com.
Trust 🙏 is at the heart of the community and we would like all our members to behave accordingly. Beware of people who want to sell you a certificate. In the case of a similar situation, please, inform us by writing an email and we will expel the intruder from the community.
Let's spread 🤗 kindness and grapple 🔥 with COVID-19 in Europe altogether! 
There is, for sure, a way to change the situation for better by encouraging 🇪🇺 our governments to reimagine what we have done so far and build 🏗 a new system to protect those who we love and create a safer living.
Are you looking for 💰 funds to support a Covid-19 response charity? Maybe your dream is to help someone you know? Don't wait for the opportunity to slide away, grab it and raise money for the cause 👉 You care about! Be with us, be with 🌟🌈 Nacometa Community.
Don't miss out on 📨 today's newsletter. Find out the secrets of successful self-budgeting 🔥!
Just open your email box and ⏳💰 pass your time efficiently. Subscribe if you haven't yet by 👉 clicking the link in bio. Make your money matter, living the life of ✨ your dreams!
Greg wanted to launch 🚚 a moving company, but there was a problem. To start he lacked a truck. See how just 🔥 in two weeks he succeeded to raise funds 💰 with Nacometa Community!
Share your Nacometa success story with 🌎 the world, remember that you can also 📍 attract attention to your ongoing campaign! 📌 Simply send it to our mailbox: info@nacometa.com.
Don't miss the opportunity 👌 to talk about your dreams!
Chrissy has been always 🤩 dreaming of becoming a shop owner. Since the pandemic lock-down began, she lost 😞 her shop assistant job. There was no hope, until browsing she found out about our 🔥 community. She decided to participate and today became the owner of her small, but important 🍏 bio grocery shop. Let's wish her ✨ good luck, these are tough times, but with the support of Nacometa Community everything you dream 🌈 about can become possible, thanks to the mutually inclusive power of 🤝 helping hands!
You've got a story to share as well? 📢 Share it with the world by sending it to our mailbox: 👉info@nacometa.com. We are proud of your 🚀 success!
Greetings from Nacometa Community! Once you know what you ✨ want to accomplish in this life or you have an urgent need 🙏 for extra income, don’t let anxiety and frustration prevent you from moving 🚀 forward! Open today’s Nacometa Community newsletter issue and find out about the top 6 methods to earn in these difficult times!
Haven't subscribed yet? Fill out the po-pup subscription form on www.nacometa.com
Take care and be safe, we will take your financial 💰 well-being on us! Nacmeta Community is always there to support each ☘️ and every participant.
Caring allows us to build personal micro-communities full of understanding and mutual support. It gives us the ability ✋ to help others and make a real difference. It allows us to learn about ourselves and surrounding us people. It makes us happier 😉 and provides so many opportunities 💰 to become successful!
Sharing+Caring=The Life of Our Dreams, this is Nacometa Community 🧬 integral formula. 
Show how much you care, 🤗 by tagging your friends in 💬 comments to this post.
Still looking for that 🥚 golden egg in the garden, following some sort of Lord Of The Rings treasure map? There is an easier way to find the treasure, join 👉nacometa.com! Fundraise with our community, realize your true dreams 🤩 and goals!
 Have a lovely weekend☀️!
"Save the Dogs and Other Animals" is one of the most respected 🌎 international non-profit organizations dedicated to 🐕 animal defence.
It was founded in 2002 by Sara Turetta, a young girl from Milan who, during a trip to Romania, was deeply struck by the number of sick stray dogs that roam the streets. In the 📗 book just released "Dogs are my life" Sara tells her story of 💪🏽 courage and resilience.
Human, animal and 🍀 environmental health are interconnected!
With Nacometa not only you can 💰 fundraise for your dreams, wishes and needs, but you can also raise funds for any charity you'd like to support! Everything is possible, 🚀 believe in your goals and be consistent. Join 👉 nacometa.com to receive all the support you need.
🔥Looks like you've got 📨 an email! Check for our Thursday's Newsletter and find out how to 📌 TRIPLE YOUR MOTIVATIONAL LEVEL!
Haven't subscribed yet? No worries, open our 🔗 BIO LINK and fill in the subscription form. It takes seconds but will bring you a lot of useful information and motivation to smash 🚀 your desired life goals!
Happy ☀️ International Day of #HumanSpaceFlight! 🚀On this day 60 years ago a Soviet citizen Yuri Gagarin carried out the first space 🪐 flight in human history.
Celebrating 🔥 the beginning of the space era for mankind, remember that all hurdles on the way to your dreams are completely illusory! 
Reach for the stars with Nacometa Community, and see that all the impossible 🌈 is possible!
Learn more at 👉 www.nacometa.com
Nacometa Community is 💪🏽 empowering people to share their dreams, wishes and needs through a first-ever win-win fundraising format✨ With us you achieve sharing!
Check out our reviews 👀 and our members' 💰 success stories on our website: www.nacometa.com
Would you like to leave it as well? 
Send us a DM 🙏 or write a comment to this post.
Greetings👋! Do you know what is meant by 💰 a win-win fundraising concept? We decided 🔥 to smash all doubts in our fresh today's newsletter!
Check it out, 📩 it certainly will help you and your invitees understand 🤩 what is Nacometa Community! Let others know about the project, more people you invite = more funds you can raise.
Dream 📍 big, keep going forward, fundraise and 🚀 reach your goals in 🙏 a peaceful environment!
L'ambiente ci fornisce tutto ciò che mangiamo, che cresce  sulla terra o  nel mare, ma le risorse naturali non sono infinite. Adesso toca a noi di aiutrare la natura!

Scegliere il BIO significa assicurare un futuro sostenibile  alle prossime generazioni. I metodi di coltivazione biologica rispettano la terra e sono attenti a non sprecare le risorse del pianeta, a partire  dall’acqua, che non viene inquinata dai pesticidi che inevitabilmente arrivano alle falde acquifere attraverso il suolo.

Abbiamo intrapreso  una seria missione per quanto riguarda il futuro d'Italia e ci serve il tuo aiuto!

Attraverso le scelte  di consumo quotidiane possiamo influire e possiamo cambiare le modalità di produzione di massa.
Ciao, oggi dimostriamo come si può partecipare al Concorso con gli immagini.

1) Instagram: condividi l'immagine dell'evento sul tuo profilo con il testo:


(ricordati di mettere il #, se no non possiamo controllare la tua condivisione)

2) Facebook: condividi la pagina dell'evento


(se il link non si trova cerca Essere, Sport & Benessere) sul tuo profilo con il testo:


Agisci adesso, non lasciare che gli altri ti superano!
Дорогие Партнеры,

Согласно объявлению, сделанному на Летней Конвенции в Москве, Осенняя Конвенция DST пройдет с 28 по 29 Октября 2017 года в крупнейшем мегаполисе Казахстана — городе Алматы. 

На событии ожидается большое количество партнеров из различных стран России и СНГ. Во время Осенней Конвенции будет произведено награждение самых активных партнеров сети Digital Space Technologies.

Кроме этого будет озвучено большое количество новостей, включая подробную презентацию нового проекта компании и обсуждение стратегий дальнейшего развития. 

Осенняя Конвенция DST - ежегодное, сезонное событие, которое важно посетить каждому партнеру для того, чтобы быть в центре событий компании Digital Space Technologies.
Мы рады объявить начало нового промо для участия в рождественских каникулах DST в Риме.

Вы можете поехать в рождественское путешествиевместе с Топ-Менеджментом компании абсолютно бесплатно, выполнив одно из следующих условий в период с 13 Июня по 24 Октября 2017 года:

1) Квалификация Региональный Менеджер 3 периода подряд

2) Квалификация Региональный Менеджер 6 раз в любой из периодов

Не упустите шанс быть в центре событий вместе с компанией DST!
Уважаемые Партнеры,

Мы постоянно работаем над пополнением функционала приложения Smart City и тестируем систему с целью исключения возможных технических ошибок, чтобы создать наиболее комфортные условия для вашей работы.

Именно сейчас технические специалисты проекта Smart City активно занимаются реализацией плана создания реферальных ссылок для партнеров и провайдеров.

На данный момент эта функция находится в режиме тестирования, а ее запуск ожидается к 10-11 Июня 2017 года.
Уважаемые партнеры, 

Мы рады сообщить вам о том, что завтра, 25 Мая, в 19:00 (МСК) состоится важный вебинар-школа от Исполнительного Директора DST Global - Александра Мочалова. 

Не упустите возможность узнать полезную информацию от лидера с многолетним опытом в индустрии сетевого маркетинга. 

Вебинарная комната доступна по ссылке: 

http://www.clickwebinar.com/, ID 871-947-152 

"Изменения в нас происходят постоянно и непроизвольно, но прогресс не происходит сам собой" (Р. Гандапас) 

До встречи онлайн, 
Команда DST Global
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